Procore’s Grammar Rules
These Procore-specific grammar rules outline our preferred styles for capitalization, punctuation, dates, times, and more. For rules not covered here, we default to rules listed in Microsoft’s Style Guide.
Acronyms are used in headers and buttons to save space. The first time an acronym is used in body text and subtext, spell out the title or phrase and present the acronym immediately after in parenthesis (e.g. commitment change order (CCOs).
Don’t spell out the acronym if it’s listed in the American Heritage Dictionary (e.g., HTML, FAQ, etc), and don’t capitalize the spelled-out word or phrase unless it’s a proper noun.
Don’t spell out the acronym if it’s listed in the American Heritage Dictionary (e.g., HTML, FAQ, etc), and don’t capitalize the spelled-out word or phrase unless it’s a proper noun.
Ampersands (&) are used in buttons that list two or more actions (e.g., Create & Distribute). We only use ampersands in headers and subheaders if space is extremely limited. Otherwise, use and whenever possible.

Our capitalization guidelines follow standard sentence case and title case rules, and there are some words in Procore that you capitalize and some that you don’t.
Title Case
Title case formatting is used for headers found on pages, banners, empty states, and more. Title case has no ending punctuation, and calls for the capitalization of the first and last word and all words except the following:
- Small words, like articles
- Prepositions of four or fewer letters
- Conjunctions
Note: Small words are capitalized when they are verbs, adverbs, and pronouns.
- Small words, like articles
- Prepositions of four or fewer letters
- Conjunctions
Note: Small words are capitalized when they are verbs, adverbs, and pronouns.

Sentence Case
Sentence case formatting is used within the body copy of tooltips, subcopy, banners, empty states, and more. We also use sentence case in subheadings. Sentence case uses ending punctuation and calls for the capitalization of the first letter of the first word, as well as any proper nouns within a sentence format.
Note: When referring to button labels or interactable elements in instructions, capitalize and bold that word.
Note: When referring to button labels or interactable elements in instructions, capitalize and bold that word.

Capitalization of Hyphenated Words
When words are joined by a slash, capitalize the word after the hyphen if the word before the hyphen is capitalized.

Capitalization of Hyphenated Words
Capitalize page and tab names, but not parts of a page.

Levels of Procore
Capitalize Project and Company, but not the word level. You may also call a level “project’s” or “company’s” in sentence case. Do not hyphenate levels of Procore.

Capitalize the whole product title.

Capitalize the title of the tool, but not the word tool. Do not capitalize items within tools.

User Roles and Titles
Capitalize user roles and titles only when referring to a specific user. User roles and titles are lowercase when referring to a general role or user persona.

Permission Levels
Capitalize permission levels. Do not hyphenate levels. Do not capitalize the word, “permissions.”

Features, Components, and Items
Features are specific functions within a tool. Components are elements on the page. Items are objects that are created in a tool. Do not capitalize features, components,
or items within the product.

Dates & Times
The approved styles for dates and times below can be chosen based on the amount of space available within the design and the information required. If you choose one of these formats, and your component or tool is internationalized using the Procore Globalization Tool Kit (GTK), the formats you pick will be localized appropriately for the user’s locale (or some other locale that you need to display).
Dates and times formats can be used together, or separately. If you use them together, the GTK should provide the appropriate connector depending on the format chosen (e.g. “<date> at <time>” or “<date>, <time>” in US English). Otherwise separate date and time using comma + space.
Dates and times formats can be used together, or separately. If you use them together, the GTK should provide the appropriate connector depending on the format chosen (e.g. “<date> at <time>” or “<date>, <time>” in US English). Otherwise separate date and time using comma + space.
Preset Format
Examples (US English)
1/31/2023 at 2:30 PM
Jan 31, 2023 at 2:30:09 PM
January 31, 2023 at 2:30:09 PM EST
Wednesday, January 31, 2023 at 2:30:09 PM Eastern Standard Time
Weekday and Month Abbreviations
Only abbreviate when space is limited. The second and third letters are lowercase, and there are no periods.

* Two letter weekday abbreviations are only used in our date picker component.

Use AM & PM preceded by a space, and include the minutes when the time displayed is on the hour.

Time Zones
Always distinguish between standard and daylight time. Capitalize all words.
Always distinguish between standard and daylight time. Capitalize all words.

Time Range
In text, use “to” in a range of times. E.g., 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
In text, use “to” in a range of times. E.g., 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

In a schedule or listing, use an en dash with no spaces around it. E.g., 10:00 AM–2:00 PM.

Measurements and Numbers
We use the following format for measurements. Keep translation in mind for specific use cases for both translation length and using the most appropriate system for your users.
When superscript formatting isn’t an option, add a caret before the number.
Example: yd^3
When superscript formatting isn’t an option, add a caret before the number.
Example: yd^3
Cubic foot
ft^3, ft³
Cubic yard
yd^3, yd³
Cubic foot
ft^3, ft³
Linear foot
Lump sum
Price per [measurement]
$/[measurement abbreviation] Example: $/ft^2
Square foot
ft^2, ft²
Square meter
m^2, m²
Writing Numbers
We spell out whole numbers from zero through nine, and use numerals for 10 or greater. If you have limited space, use numerals for all numbers.
Writing Monetary Amounts
For amounts of money less than $1 million, use the dollar sign and numerals. For large numbers of $1 million and greater, spell out million, billion, and trillion. In specific cases where users need to know the exact figure of an amount greater than $1 million, numerals may be used to write out the number.
Example: The initial project budget was $990,000, but was increased to $1.2 million.
Example: The initial project budget was $990,000, but was increased to $1.2 million.
Below are some of the most common forms of punctuation we use in Procore’s product. Other forms of punctuation (e.g., dashes, ellipses, and semicolons) aren’t listed because we should rarely use them.
Colons are only used at the end of a complete sentence to introduce a list of three or more items. The most common use case for colons within Procore’s product is used after a complete sentence and before a bulleted list.

Common Mistakes
Don’t put a colon after a header or field name.
Don’t put a colon after a header or field name.

Don’t put a colon after an incomplete sentence.

We use the Oxford comma, which means putting a comma before the conjunction in a list of three or more.
Use contractions within Procore’s product, but consider that contractions don’t appear in all languages, so using contractions will lengthen translated copy in a component. Consider the word count in reference to translations when using contractions.
Note: If you do decide to spell out can’t, then use cannot with no space between words.
Note: If you do decide to spell out can’t, then use cannot with no space between words.
We only use ellipses in our product when text is truncated. We do not use ellipses in placeholder text.
We don’t use exclamation points within Procore’s product except for specific, pre-approved cases.
Quotation Marks
We don’t use single or double quotation marks within Procore’s product. Double quotation marks are only used when restating the exact spoken or written language.
Common Mistakes
Do not use quotation marks when referencing page names, buttons, or fields.
Common Mistakes
Do not use quotation marks when referencing page names, buttons, or fields.