Email Notifications
We send emails to notify users when their attention is required on items in Procore or when there is an update to an item they're associated with.


Email Details
Tool notification emails have a standard email details section that includes additional item information using labels and values. Labels will vary across tools and depending on the type of notification.
Batch Items
Emails that include information about multiple items should use this template. For example, use the batch items details section when multiple items are overdue or multiple items are assigned to a user.
Tool notification emails have a standard email details section that includes additional item information using labels and values. Labels will vary across tools and depending on the type of notification.
Batch Items
Emails that include information about multiple items should use this template. For example, use the batch items details section when multiple items are overdue or multiple items are assigned to a user.

Email Footer
The email footer should appear at the bottom of each email. It contains the Procore logo, support links, and system details.

Informational/Support Footers
Certain emails may include What is Procore? or support/training link footers.
Certain emails may include What is Procore? or support/training link footers.

Copy in emails is concise, clear, and easy to process. Explain what the user needs to know in the least amount of words. If appropriate, provide an actionable next step. Refrain from including the whole end-to-end item history in an email unless that is the email’s main purpose.
When writing email content, consider:
When writing email content, consider:
- What is the overall purpose of this email?
- Why is a user receiving it?
- What immediate information does the user need to know to get the job done?
- Will the amount of information be overwhelming and confusing to users?
- How can the email be more clear and concise?
Email Subject Line
Single item tool notification emails fall under one of two threads: Action Required or Status Update. Subject lines use these templates:
Sender (Procore)
Sender (Procore)

Email Hero
The email hero communicates the most important content of the email to the recipient: what the email is about, the subject of the email (item name, workflow name, plan name, etc.), and a clear next step the user should take.
Email Overview Heading and Subtext
The email overview includes an email overview heading and subtext. Headings are title case without punctuation and should provide a general description of the email notification. The name or title of the item should be used for the subtext, but certain tool notifications may require a more detailed description.
Email Overview Heading and Subtext
The email overview includes an email overview heading and subtext. Headings are title case without punctuation and should provide a general description of the email notification. The name or title of the item should be used for the subtext, but certain tool notifications may require a more detailed description.

Call to Action Button
There are two types of tool notification emails: Action Required and Informational/General Transactional/Status Update. The call to action button that is used depends on the type of email.
There are two types of tool notification emails: Action Required and Informational/General Transactional/Status Update. The call to action button that is used depends on the type of email.

